The Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association has been a local beekeeping organization since 1974. This Association's continued success is dependent on our VOLUNTEERS. Please consider joining our team of volunteers and making PBCBA even better!
Paula Messer, President
Joey Paquette, 1st Vice President
Coulette Lioce, 2nd Vice President
Lee Wisnioski, Treasurer
Kim Wendt, Secretary
Kevin Easton, Past President
The Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association has been a local beekeeping organization since 1974.
This Association's continued success is dependent on our VOLUNTEERS.
Please consider joining our team of volunteers and making PBCBA even better!
Mailing Address:
Palm Beach County Beekeepers Association
6231 PGA Blvd, Suite 104-237
Palm Beach Gardens Fl. 33418
For questions, please call (561) 206-4483
Or send us an email at
(**Please note both the voice mail and email boxes are managed by volunteeers, and it may take a few days for a reply)