Become A Member

JOIN THE HIVE (Become A Member)!

Your membership supports our mission to educate beekeepers and the general public on the importance of honey bees. We encourage you to join in our efforts to help save the bees and our environment.

We offer speakers, workshops, conferences, and hands-on training throughout the year to help you learn more about bees and beekeeping.

Membership types:
 Individual Annual Membership ($25 Annually due by January)
 Lifetime Membership ($250 one-time payment)

Membership Benefits
 Free entry to monthly educational Fun Meetings ($10 for non-members)
 Free or discounted admission to Workshops
 Discounted admission to the HoneyBee Expo
 Full access to our website videos, photos, buy and sell, discussion boards, etc.
 Create and update your profile page
 Annual Family Picnic & Holiday Potluck 
 Ability to vote for annual Board of Directors elections

Registration is simple:

  1. Click on the link below and create an Account and Password.
  2. Follow the instructions to Verify your Email.
  3. Once your email is confirmed, our Worker Bees will send a follow-up email with a payment link (this step may take up to 24 hours).
  4. Follow the email link and complete the payment

 Register Here!