  • Apr 27, 2024 from 12:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Location: Royal Palm Beach Commons Park
  • Latest Activity: Apr 26, 2024


We are excited to announce our upcoming Family Picnic at the Royal Palms Commons Park on April 27th. It's going to be a fantastic day filled with fun, food, and fellowship!

PBCBA will be providing delicious hamburgers, and grilled chicken, as well as refreshing water and iced teas. To make our picnic even more delightful, we kindly ask our members to bring their favorite homemade dish to share with everyone. Whether it's a special recipe or your signature dish, we can't wait to taste the culinary delights of our talented members.

Please RSVP on the event site and leave a comment with the specialty dish you'll be bringing. This will help us ensure we have a wide variety of delectable dishes for everyone to enjoy.

To ensure sitting for everyone, bring your lawn/folding chair!

RSVP by leaving a comment of how many in your party, and what dish you will bring!


     Saturday, April 27th, 2024


      Setup starts at 10:30 AM (Volunteers are welcom), picnic will start at 12:00 PM


Royal Palms Commons Park

      Pavillion #11

      11600 Poinciana Blvd

      Royal Palm Beach, FL33411



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