  • Apr 5, 2024 from 4:30pm to 6:15pm
  • Location: Pine Jog Environmental Center
  • Latest Activity: Apr 5

Join us in our apiary for a Q & A and open hive presentation prior to our presentation.  Glenn Mesteller will bee checking on the bees and answer any questions you may have about checking on your bees.  This will start at 4;30 pm.  Please bring a suit or vail as we have a limited supply and dress appropriately. ..  If it looks or is raining this event  will bee... postponed.   

Our fun meeting on beescaping starts at 7 PM in the classroom.  

 Beescaping with Melissa and Richard Info

Don't forget we have some great raffle prizes that you can go home with.

Have a honey of a day and join us this Friday.  


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  • Paid 2025

    I plan to attend Glenn's apiary this afternoon and can mozy over after to help with room set up laughing

    Looking forward to see everyone soon, Marissa Garone-Rizzo

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