  • Sep 6, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
  • Location: Pine Jog Environmental Educational Center
  • Latest Activity: Sep 2




Performing Colony Health Inspections and Recording the Details!
We inspect our colonies for different reasons and in different frequencies throughout the season. But regular and intentional colony health inspections can make or break a year worth of effort for a beekeeper. In this talk we review the important components of a colony health inspection and how keeping records of our observations can inform timely management and help avoid potential consequences. 

Eric Malcolm is the Apicultural Extension Educator and Apiary Manager at the University of Maryland Bee Lab. His work focuses on keeping healthy bees, outreach and education, and helping beekeepers make informed decisions using their own observations, monitoring techniques, and scientifically proven best management practices. He is a sideline beekeeper and owner of his own apiary management business. In years past, he co-coordinated the Bee Informed Partnership Sentinel Apiary Program, a national citizen science program designed to help improve monitoring practices and establish essential skills for beekeepers of all levels. He is passionate about honey bee health, beekeeping, and working with beekeepers, and in his free time enjoys learning about wild edibles, medicinal plants, and mushrooms, enjoying time with his family, traveling, camping, and backpacking.


FREE for Members, $10 for non-members
Location: Pine Jog Environmental Center
Address: 6301 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33415
Date: September 6, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
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