  • Apr 12, 2025 from 9:00am to 4:00pm
  • Location: South Florida Fair Grounds Building 6-10
  • Latest Activity: Feb 17


At the South Florida Fairgrounds
April 12, 2025

Admission & Parking are FREE!! BRING YOUR WAGONS!!
The Palm Beach Chapter of the Rare Fruit Council International, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and further cultivation and use of tropical and rare fruit in South Florida and around the world, is hosting its annual Tropical Fruit Tree & Edible Plant Sale on Saturday, April 12th 2025.

The popular event will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m in the concourse Buildings 6 through 10 at the South Florida Fairgrounds in West Palm Beach.  ( Across from where our fair booth is located.) 

At this year’s Tropical Fruit Tree & Edible Plant Sale, vendors from all over the state will offer a wide variety of delightful and delicious fruit trees, including Avocado, Banana, Barbados Cherry, Black Sapote, Canistel, Carambola, Citrus, Dragon Fruit, Figs, Guava, Grumichama, Jackfruit, Jaboticaba, Longan, Lychee, Macadamia, Mamey Sapote, Mango, Miracle Fruit, Mulberry, Papaya, Peach, Persimmon, Soursop, Sugar Apple, Star Apple, Tamarind, herbs and spices, plus the Rare Fruit Council’s proprietary formulation for tropical fruits.
Also available will be educational information on the planting and growing of fruit trees, along with knowledgeable volunteers and vendors to answer any questions.

We will be manning the PBCBA booth at the Rare Fruit Council's plant sale.  The event is from 9 am to 4 pm.

Any members of the PBCBA who want to assist us in education and honey sales are welcome.

Thank you for your volunteerism ! 





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